OData Vocabularies Version 4.0

Committee Specification Draft 02

19 June 2024


This stage:

https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-vocabularies/v4.0/csd02/odata-vocabularies-v4.0-csd02.md (Authoritative)

Previous stage:

https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-vocabularies/v4.0/csprd01/odata-vocabularies-v4.0-csprd01.docx (Authoritative)

Latest stage:

https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-vocabularies/v4.0/odata-vocabularies-v4.0.docx (Authoritative)

Technical Committee:

OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC


Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE
Michael Pizzo (mikep@microsoft.com), Microsoft


Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE
Michael Pizzo (mikep@microsoft.com), Microsoft
Heiko Theißen (heiko.theissen@sap.com), SAP SE

Related work:

This specification is related to:


This prose specification describes a set of OData vocabularies maintained by the OASIS OData Technical Committee. These vocabulary components are continuously evolved. The latest work-in-progress revisions are available at the odata-vocabularies OASIS TC GitHub repository: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies.


This document was last revised or approved by the OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the “Latest stage” location noted above for possible later revisions of this document. Any other numbered Versions and other technical work produced by the Technical Committee (TC) are listed at https://groups.oasis-open.org/communities/tc-community-home2?CommunityKey=e7cac2a9-2d18-4640-b94d-018dc7d3f0e2#technical.

TC members should send comments on this specification to the TC’s email list. Any individual may submit comments to the TC by sending email to Technical-Committee-Comments@oasis-open.org. Please use a Subject line like “Comment on OData Vocabularies”.

This specification is provided under the RF on RAND Terms Mode of the OASIS IPR Policy, the mode chosen when the Technical Committee was established. For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the TC’s web page (https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/odata/ipr.php).

Note that any machine-readable content (Computer Language Definitions) declared Normative for this Work Product is provided in separate plain text files. In the event of a discrepancy between any such plain text file and display content in the Work Product’s prose narrative document(s), the content in the separate plain text file prevails.

Key words:

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 RFC2119 and RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

Citation format:

When referencing this specification the following citation format should be used:


OData Vocabularies Version 4.0. Edited by Ralf Handl, Michael Pizzo, and Heiko Theißen. 19 June 2024. OASIS Committee Specification Draft 02. https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-vocabularies/v4.0/csd02/odata-vocabularies-v4.0-csd02.html. Latest stage: https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-vocabularies/v4.0/odata-vocabularies-v4.0.html.


Copyright © OASIS Open 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Distributed under the terms of the OASIS IPR Policy.

The name “OASIS” is a trademark of OASIS, the owner and developer of this specification, and should be used only to refer to the organization and its official outputs.

For complete copyright information please see the full Notices section in an Appendix below.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

OData provides the ability to decorate model elements of a schema and instances of data with descriptive elements called annotations. Annotations can be used to specify additional facts about an element, such as whether it is read-only, or to define a common concept, such as a person or a movie. Annotations consist of a term (the namespace-qualified name of the annotation being applied), a target (the element to which the term is applied), and a value. A set of related annotation terms with a common namespace comprises a Vocabulary. Shared vocabularies provide a powerful extensibility point for OData. Refer to the OData-Protocol and OData-CSDL specifications for more information on the use of vocabularies.

This prose specification describes a set of OData vocabularies maintained by the OASIS OData Technical Committee. It is one component of a Work Product that also includes the various vocabulary components. These vocabulary components are continuously evolved, the latest work-in-progress revisions are available at OData-Vocabs.

Other OData vocabularies may be created, shared, and maintained outside of this work product.

2 Core Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Core.V1

Core terms needed to write vocabularies


Term Type Description
ODataVersions String A space-separated list of supported versions of the OData Protocol. Note that 4.0 is implied by 4.01 and does not need to be separately listed.
SchemaVersion String Service-defined value representing the version of the schema. Services MAY use semantic versioning, but clients MUST NOT assume this is the case.
Revisions [RevisionType] List of revisions of a model element
Description String? A brief description of a model element
LongDescription String? A long description of a model element
Links [Link] Link to related information
Example ExampleValue Example for an instance of the annotated model element (Example)
Messages [MessageType] Instance annotation for warning and info messages
ValueException ValueExceptionType The annotated value is problematic
ResourceException ResourceExceptionType The annotated instance within a success payload is problematic
DataModificationException DataModificationExceptionType A modification operation failed on the annotated instance or collection within a success payload
IsLanguageDependent Tag Properties and terms annotated with this term are language-dependent
RequiresType String Terms annotated with this term can only be applied to elements that have a type that is identical to or derived from the given type name
AppliesViaContainer Tag The target path of an annotation with the tagged term MUST start with an entity container or the annotation MUST be embedded within an entity container, entity set or singleton
Services MAY additionally annotate a container-independent model element (entity type, property, navigation property) if allowed by the AppliesTo property of the term and the annotation applies to all uses of that model element.
ResourcePath URL Resource path for entity container child, can be relative to xml:base and the request URL
DereferenceableIDs Tag Entity-ids are URLs that locate the identified entity
ConventionalIDs Tag Entity-ids follow OData URL conventions
Permissions Permission Permissions for accessing a resource
ContentID String A unique identifier for nested entities within a request.
DefaultNamespace Tag Functions, actions and types in this namespace can be referenced in URLs with or without namespace- or alias- qualification.
Data Modelers should ensure uniqueness of schema children across all default namespaces, and should avoid naming bound functions, actions, or derived types with the same name as a structural or navigational property of the type.
Immutable Tag A value for this non-key property can be provided by the client on insert and remains unchanged on update
Computed Tag A value for this property is generated on both insert and update
ComputedDefaultValue Tag A value for this property can be provided by the client on insert and update. If no value is provided on insert, a non-static default value is generated
IsURL Tag Properties and terms annotated with this term MUST contain a valid URL
AcceptableMediaTypes [MediaType] Lists the MIME types acceptable for the annotated entity type marked with HasStream=“true” or the annotated binary, stream, or string property or term
The annotation of a TypeDefinition propagates to the model elements having this type
MediaType MediaType? The media type of the media stream of the annotated entity type marked with HasStream=“true” or the annotated binary, stream, or string property or term
The annotation of a TypeDefinition propagates to the model elements having this type
IsMediaType Tag Properties and terms annotated with this term MUST contain a valid MIME type
ContentDisposition ContentDispositionType The content disposition of the media stream of the annotated entity type marked with HasStream=“true” or the annotated binary, stream, or string property or term
OptimisticConcurrency [PropertyPath] Data modification requires the use of ETags. A non-empty collection contains the set of properties that are used to compute the ETag. An empty collection means that the service won’t tell how it computes the ETag
AdditionalProperties Tag Instances of this type may contain properties in addition to those declared in $metadata
If specified as false clients can assume that instances will not contain dynamic properties, irrespective of the value of the OpenType attribute.
AutoExpand Tag The service will automatically expand this stream property, navigation property, or the media stream of this media entity type even if not requested with $expand
AutoExpandReferences Tag The service will automatically expand this navigation property as entity references even if not requested with \(expand=.../\)ref
MayImplement [QualifiedTypeName] A collection of qualified type names outside of the type hierarchy that instances of this type might be addressable as by using a type-cast segment.
Ordered Tag Collection has a stable order. Ordered collections of primitive or complex types can be indexed by ordinal.
PositionalInsert Tag Items can be inserted at a given ordinal index.
AlternateKeys [AlternateKey] Communicates available alternate keys
OptionalParameter OptionalParameterType Supplying a value for the action or function parameter is optional.
All parameters marked as optional must come after any parameters not marked as optional. The binding parameter must not be marked as optional.
OperationAvailable Boolean? Action or function is available
The annotation value will usually be an expression, e.g. using properties of the binding parameter type for instance-dependent availability, or using properties of a singleton for global availability. The static value null means that availability cannot be determined upfront and is instead expressed as an operation advertisement.
RequiresExplicitBinding Tag? This bound action or function is only available on model elements annotated with the ExplicitOperationBindings term.
ExplicitOperationBindings [QualifiedBoundOperationName] The qualified names of explicitly bound operations that are supported on the target model element. These operations are in addition to any operations not annotated with RequiresExplicitBinding that are bound to the type of the target model element.
SymbolicName SimpleIdentifier A symbolic name for a model element
GeometryFeature GeometryFeatureType? A Feature Object represents a spatially bounded thing
AnyStructure Tag Instances of a type are annotated with this tag if they have no common structure in a given response payload
The select-list of a context URL MUST be (@Core.AnyStructure) if it would otherwise be empty, but this instance annotation SHOULD be omitted from the response value.


Property Type Description
Version String? The schema version with which this revision was first published
Kind RevisionKind The kind of revision
Description String Text describing the reason for the revision


Member Value Description
Added 0 Model element was added
Modified 1 Model element was modified
Deprecated 2 Model element was deprecated


The Link term is inspired by the atom:link element, see RFC4287, and the Link HTTP header, see RFC5988

Property Type Description
rel String Link relation type, see IANA Link Relations
href URL URL of related information


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Description String? Description of the example value

PrimitiveExampleValue: ExampleValue

Property Type Description
Description String? Description of the example value
Value PrimitiveType Example value for the custom parameter

ComplexExampleValue: ExampleValue

Property Type Description
Description String? Description of the example value
Value ComplexType Example value for the custom parameter

EntityExampleValue: ExampleValue

Property Type Description
Description String? Description of the example value
Value EntityType Example value for the custom parameter

ExternalExampleValue: ExampleValue

Property Type Description
Description String? Description of the example value
ExternalValue URL Url reference to the value in its literal format


Property Type Description
code String Machine-readable, language-independent message code
message String Human-readable, language-dependent message text
severity MessageSeverity Severity of the message
target String? A path to the target of the message detail, relative to the annotated instance
details [MessageType] List of detail messages


Type: String

Allowed Value Description
success Positive feedback - no action required
info Additional information - no action required
warning Warning - action may be required
error Error - action is required


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
info MessageType? Information about the exception

ValueExceptionType: ExceptionType

Property Type Description
info MessageType? Information about the exception
value String? String representation of the exact value

ResourceExceptionType: ExceptionType

Property Type Description
info MessageType? Information about the exception
retryLink URL? A GET request to this URL retries retrieving the problematic instance

DataModificationExceptionType: ExceptionType

Property Type Description
info MessageType? Information about the exception
failedOperation DataModificationOperationKind The kind of modification operation that failed
responseCode Int16? Response code of the failed operation, e.g. 424 for a failed dependency


Member Value Description
insert 0 Insert new instance
update 1 Update existing instance
upsert 2 Insert new instance or update it if it already exists
delete 3 Delete existing instance
invoke 4 Invoke action or function
link 5 Add link between entities
unlink 6 Remove link between entities


Type: Boolean

This is the type to use for all tagging terms


Flag Member Value Description
None 0 No permissions
Read 1 Read permission
Write 2 Write permission
ReadWrite 3 Read and write permission
Invoke 4 Permission to invoke actions


Property Type Description
Type String The disposition type of the binary or stream value, see RFC 6266, Disposition Type
Filename String? The proposed filename for downloading the binary or stream value, see RFC 6266, Disposition Parameter: ‘Filename’


Type: String

The qualified name of a term in scope.


Type: String

The qualified name of a type in scope.


Type: String

The qualified name of an action in scope.


Type: String

The qualified name of a bound action or function in scope.



Property Type Description
Key [PropertyRef] The set of properties that make up this key


Property Type Description
Name PropertyPath A path expression resolving to a primitive property of the entity type itself or to a primitive property of a complex or navigation property (recursively) of the entity type. The names of the properties in the path are joined together by forward slashes.
Alias String A SimpleIdentifier that MUST be unique within the set of aliases, structural and navigation properties of the containing entity type that MUST be used in the key predicate of URLs


A dictionary of name-value pairs. Names must be valid property names, values may be restricted to a list of types via an annotation with term Validation.OpenPropertyTypeConstraint.

Property Type
Any simple identifier Any type listed in Validation.OpenPropertyTypeConstraint, or any type if there is no constraint


Property Type Description
DefaultValue String? Default value for an optional parameter of primitive or enumeration type, using the same rules as the cast function in URLs.
If no explicit DefaultValue is specified, the service is free on how to interpret omitting the parameter from the request. For example, a service might interpret an omitted optional parameter KeyDate as having the current date.


Type: String

A string representing a Local Date-Time value with no offset.


Type: String

A simple identifier


A Feature Object represents a spatially bounded thing

Property Type Description
geometry Geometry? Location of the Feature
properties Dictionary? Properties of the Feature
id String? Commonly used identifer for a Feature

3 Capabilities Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Capabilities.V1

Terms describing capabilities of a service

There are some capabilities which are strongly recommended for services to support even though they are optional. Support for $top and $skip is a good example as supporting these query options helps with performance of a service and are essential. Such capabilities are assumed to be default capabilities of an OData service even in the case that a capabilities annotation doesn’t exist. Capabilities annotations are mainly expected to be used to explicitly specify that a service doesn’t support such capabilities. Capabilities annotations can as well be used to declaratively specify the support of such capabilities.

On the other hand, there are some capabilities that a service may choose to support or not support and in varying degrees. $filter and $orderby are such good examples. This vocabulary aims to define terms to specify support or no support for such capabilities.

A service is assumed to support by default the following capabilities even though an annotation doesn’t exist:

A service is expected to support the following capabilities. If not supported, the service is expected to call out the restrictions using annotations:

A client cannot assume that a service supports certain capabilities. A client can try, but it needs to be prepared to handle an error in case the following capabilities are not supported:


Term Type Description
ConformanceLevel ConformanceLevelType The conformance level achieved by this service
SupportedFormats [MediaType] Media types of supported formats, including format parameters
SupportedMetadataFormats [MediaType] Media types of supported formats for $metadata, including format parameters
AcceptableEncodings [String] List of acceptable compression methods for ($batch) requests, e.g. gzip
AsynchronousRequestsSupported Tag Service supports the asynchronous request preference
BatchContinueOnErrorSupported Tag Service supports the continue on error preference. Supports $batch requests. Services that apply the BatchContinueOnErrorSupported term should also specify the ContinueOnErrorSupported property from the BatchSupport term.
IsolationSupported IsolationLevel Supported odata.isolation levels
CrossJoinSupported Tag Supports cross joins for the entity sets in this container
CallbackSupported CallbackType Supports callbacks for the specified protocols
ChangeTracking ChangeTrackingType Change tracking capabilities of this service or entity set
CountRestrictions CountRestrictionsType Restrictions on /$count path suffix and $count=true system query option
NavigationRestrictions NavigationRestrictionsType Restrictions on navigating properties according to OData URL conventions
Restrictions specified on an entity set are valid whether the request is directly to the entity set or through a navigation property bound to that entity set. Services can specify a different set of restrictions specific to a path, in which case the more specific restrictions take precedence.
IndexableByKey Tag Supports key values according to OData URL conventions
TopSupported Tag Supports $top
SkipSupported Tag Supports $skip
ComputeSupported Tag Supports $compute
SelectSupport SelectSupportType Support for $select and nested query options within $select
BatchSupported Tag Supports $batch requests. Services that apply the BatchSupported term should also apply the more comprehensive BatchSupport term.
BatchSupport BatchSupportType Batch Support for the service
FilterFunctions [String] List of functions and operators supported in filter expressions
If not specified, null, or empty, all functions and operators may be attempted.
FilterRestrictions FilterRestrictionsType Restrictions on filter expressions
SortRestrictions SortRestrictionsType Restrictions on orderby expressions
ExpandRestrictions ExpandRestrictionsType Restrictions on expand expressions
SearchRestrictions SearchRestrictionsType Restrictions on search expressions
KeyAsSegmentSupported Tag Supports key-as-segment convention for addressing entities within a collection
QuerySegmentSupported Tag Supports passing query options in the request body
InsertRestrictions InsertRestrictionsType Restrictions on insert operations
DeepInsertSupport DeepInsertSupportType? Deep Insert Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
UpdateRestrictions UpdateRestrictionsType Restrictions on update operations
DeepUpdateSupport DeepUpdateSupportType Deep Update Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
DeleteRestrictions DeleteRestrictionsType Restrictions on delete operations
CollectionPropertyRestrictions [CollectionPropertyRestrictionsType] Describes restrictions on operations applied to collection-valued structural properties
OperationRestrictions OperationRestrictionsType Restrictions for function or action operation
AnnotationValuesInQuerySupported Tag Supports annotation values within system query options
ModificationQueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType Support for query options with modification requests (insert, update, action invocation)
ReadRestrictions ReadRestrictionsType Restrictions for retrieving a collection of entities, retrieving a singleton instance.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Custom headers that are supported/required for the annotated resource (Example)
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Custom query options that are supported/required for the annotated resource (Example)
If the entity container is annotated, the query option is supported/required by all resources in that container.
MediaLocationUpdateSupported Tag Stream property or media stream supports update of its media edit URL and/or media read URL
DefaultCapabilities DefaultCapabilitiesType Default capability settings for all collection-valued resources in the container

Annotating a specific capability term, which is included as property in DefaultCapabilitiesType, for a specific collection-valued resource overrides the default capability with the specified properties using PATCH semantics:

  • Primitive or collection-valued properties specified in the specific capability term replace the corresponding properties specified in DefaultCapabilities
  • Complex-valued properties specified in the specific capability term override the corresponding properties specified in DefaultCapabilities using PATCH semantics recursively
  • Properties specified neither in the specific term nor in DefaultCapabilities have their default value


Member Value Description
Minimal 0 Minimal conformance level
Intermediate 1 Intermediate conformance level
Advanced 2 Advanced conformance level


Flag Member Value Description
Snapshot 1 All data returned for a request, including multiple requests within a batch or results retrieved across multiple pages, will be consistent as of a single point in time


A non-empty collection lists the full set of supported protocols. A empty collection means ‘only HTTP is supported’

Property Type Description
CallbackProtocols [CallbackProtocol] List of supported callback protocols, e.g. http or wss


Property Type Description
Id String? Protocol Identifier
UrlTemplate String? URL Template including parameters. Parameters are enclosed in curly braces {} as defined in RFC6570
DocumentationUrl URL? Human readable description of the meaning of the URL Template parameters


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Supported Boolean odata.track-changes preference is supported

ChangeTrackingType: ChangeTrackingBase

Property Type Description
Supported Boolean odata.track-changes preference is supported
FilterableProperties [PropertyPath] Change tracking supports filters on these properties
If no properties are specified or FilterableProperties is omitted, clients cannot assume support for filtering on any properties in combination with change tracking.
ExpandableProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] Change tracking supports these properties expanded
If no properties are specified or ExpandableProperties is omitted, clients cannot assume support for expanding any properties in combination with change tracking.


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Countable Boolean Instances can be counted in requests targeting a collection

CountRestrictionsType: CountRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Countable Boolean Instances can be counted in requests targeting a collection
NonCountableProperties [PropertyPath] Members of these collection properties cannot be counted
NonCountableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] Members of these navigation properties cannot be counted


Property Type Description
Navigability NavigationType? Default navigability for all navigation properties of the annotation target. Individual navigation properties can override this value via RestrictedProperties/Navigability.
RestrictedProperties [NavigationPropertyRestriction] List of navigation properties with restrictions


Using a property of NavigationPropertyRestriction in a NavigationRestrictions annotation is discouraged in favor of using an annotation with the corresponding term from this vocabulary and a target path starting with a container and ending in the NavigationProperty, unless the favored alternative is impossible because a dynamic expression requires an instance path whose evaluation starts at the target of the NavigationRestrictions annotation. See this example.

Property Type Description
NavigationProperty NavigationPropertyPath Navigation properties can be navigated
The target path of a NavigationRestrictions annotation followed by this navigation property path addresses the resource to which the other properties of NavigationPropertyRestriction apply. Instance paths that occur in dynamic expressions are evaluated starting at the boundary between both paths, which must therefore be chosen accordingly.
Navigability NavigationType? Supported navigability of this navigation property
FilterFunctions [String] List of functions and operators supported in filter expressions
If not specified, null, or empty, all functions and operators may be attempted.
FilterRestrictions FilterRestrictionsType? Restrictions on filter expressions
SearchRestrictions SearchRestrictionsType? Restrictions on search expressions
SortRestrictions SortRestrictionsType? Restrictions on orderby expressions
TopSupported Boolean Supports $top
SkipSupported Boolean Supports $skip
SelectSupport SelectSupportType? Support for $select
IndexableByKey Boolean Supports key values according to OData URL conventions
InsertRestrictions InsertRestrictionsType? Restrictions on insert operations
DeepInsertSupport DeepInsertSupportType? Deep Insert Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
UpdateRestrictions UpdateRestrictionsType? Restrictions on update operations
DeepUpdateSupport DeepUpdateSupportType? Deep Update Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
DeleteRestrictions DeleteRestrictionsType? Restrictions on delete operations
OptimisticConcurrencyControl Boolean Data modification (including insert) along this navigation property requires the use of ETags
ReadRestrictions ReadRestrictionsType? Restrictions for retrieving entities


Member Value Description
Recursive 0 Navigation properties can be recursively navigated
Single 1 Navigation properties can be navigated to a single level
None 2 Navigation properties are not navigable


Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Supports $select
InstanceAnnotationsSupported Boolean Supports instance annotations in $select list
Expandable Boolean $expand within $select is supported
Filterable Boolean $filter within $select is supported
Searchable Boolean $search within $select is supported
TopSupported Boolean $top within $select is supported
SkipSupported Boolean $skip within $select is supported
ComputeSupported Boolean $compute within $select is supported
Countable Boolean $count within $select is supported
Sortable Boolean $orderby within $select is supported


Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Service supports requests to $batch
ContinueOnErrorSupported Boolean Service supports the continue on error preference
ReferencesInRequestBodiesSupported Boolean Service supports Content-ID referencing in request bodies
ReferencesAcrossChangeSetsSupported Boolean Service supports Content-ID referencing across change sets
EtagReferencesSupported Boolean Service supports referencing Etags from previous requests
RequestDependencyConditionsSupported Boolean Service supports the if member in JSON batch requests
SupportedFormats [MediaType] Media types of supported formats for $batch
Allowed values:
Multipart Batch Format
JSON Batch Format

Applicable Annotation Terms:


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Filterable Boolean $filter is supported
RequiresFilter Boolean $filter is required
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of levels (including recursion) that can be traversed in a filter expression. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.

Applicable Annotation Terms:

FilterRestrictionsType: FilterRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Filterable Boolean $filter is supported
RequiresFilter Boolean $filter is required
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of levels (including recursion) that can be traversed in a filter expression. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
RequiredProperties [PropertyPath] These properties must be specified in the $filter clause (properties of derived types are not allowed here)
NonFilterableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be used in filter expressions
FilterExpressionRestrictions [FilterExpressionRestrictionType] These properties only allow a subset of filter expressions. A valid filter expression for a single property can be enclosed in parentheses and combined by and with valid expressions for other properties.

Applicable Annotation Terms:


Property Type Description
Property PropertyPath? Path to the restricted property
AllowedExpressions FilterExpressionType? Allowed subset of expressions


Type: String

Allowed Value Description
SingleValue Property can be used in a single eq clause
MultiValue Property can be used in multiple eq and in clauses, combined by or (which is logically equivalent to a single in clause)
SingleRange Property can be used in at most one ge and/or one le clause, separated by and
MultiRange Property can be compared to a union of one or more closed, half-open, or open intervals
The filter expression for this property consists of one or more interval expressions combined by or. A single interval expression is either a single comparison of the property and a literal value with eq, le, lt, ge, or gt, or pair of boundaries combined by and and enclosed in parentheses. The lower boundary is either ge or gt, the upper boundary either le or lt.
SearchExpression String property can be used as first operand in startswith, endswith, and contains clauses
MultiRangeOrSearchExpression Property can be compared to a union of zero or more closed, half-open, or open intervals plus zero or more simple string patterns
The filter expression for this property consists of one or more interval expressions or string comparison functions combined by or. See MultiRange for a definition of an interval expression. See SearchExpression for the allowed string comparison functions.


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Sortable Boolean $orderby is supported

Applicable Annotation Terms:

SortRestrictionsType: SortRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Sortable Boolean $orderby is supported
AscendingOnlyProperties [PropertyPath] These properties can only be used for sorting in Ascending order
DescendingOnlyProperties [PropertyPath] These properties can only be used for sorting in Descending order
NonSortableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be used in orderby expressions

Applicable Annotation Terms:


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Expandable Boolean $expand is supported
StreamsExpandable Boolean $expand is supported for stream properties and media streams
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of levels that can be expanded in a expand expression. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.

Applicable Annotation Terms:

ExpandRestrictionsType: ExpandRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Expandable Boolean $expand is supported
StreamsExpandable Boolean $expand is supported for stream properties and media streams
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of levels that can be expanded in a expand expression. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
NonExpandableProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These properties cannot be used in expand expressions
NonExpandableStreamProperties [PropertyPath] These stream properties cannot be used in expand expressions

Applicable Annotation Terms:


Property Type Description
Searchable Boolean $search is supported
UnsupportedExpressions SearchExpressions Expressions not supported in $search

Applicable Annotation Terms:


Flag Member Value Description
none 0 Single search term
AND 1 Multiple search terms, optionally separated by AND
OR 2 Multiple search terms separated by OR
NOT 4 Search terms preceded by NOT
phrase 8 Search phrases enclosed in double quotes
group 16 Precedence grouping of search expressions with parentheses


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Insertable Boolean Entities can be inserted
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection to insert into. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Entities of a specific derived type can be created by specifying a type-cast segment
QueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType? Support for query options with insert requests
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.

InsertRestrictionsType: InsertRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Insertable Boolean Entities can be inserted
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection to insert into. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Entities of a specific derived type can be created by specifying a type-cast segment
QueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType? Support for query options with insert requests
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.
NonInsertableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be specified on insert
NonInsertableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These navigation properties do not allow deep inserts
RequiredProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties must be specified on insert
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the insert.


Property Type Description
SchemeName SchemeName Authorization flow scheme name
Scopes [ScopeType] List of scopes that can provide access to the resource


Property Type Description
Scope String Name of the scope.
RestrictedProperties String? Comma-separated string value of all properties that will be included or excluded when using the scope.
Possible string value identifiers when specifying properties are *, PropertyName, -PropertyName.
* denotes all properties are accessible.
-PropertyName excludes that specific property.
PropertyName explicitly provides access to the specific property.
The absence of RestrictedProperties denotes all properties are accessible using that scope.


Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Annotation target supports deep inserts
ContentIDSupported Boolean Annotation target supports accepting and returning nested entities annotated with the Core.ContentID instance annotation.


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Updatable Boolean Entities can be updated
Upsertable Boolean Entities can be upserted
DeltaUpdateSupported Boolean Entities can be inserted, updated, and deleted via a PATCH request with a delta payload
UpdateMethod HttpMethod? Supported HTTP Methods (PUT or PATCH) for updating an entity. If null, PATCH SHOULD be supported and PUT MAY be supported.
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a /$filter(...)/$each segment
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a type-cast segment and a /$each segment
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection or entity to update. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the update.
QueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType? Support for query options with update requests
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.

UpdateRestrictionsType: UpdateRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Updatable Boolean Entities can be updated
Upsertable Boolean Entities can be upserted
DeltaUpdateSupported Boolean Entities can be inserted, updated, and deleted via a PATCH request with a delta payload
UpdateMethod HttpMethod? Supported HTTP Methods (PUT or PATCH) for updating an entity. If null, PATCH SHOULD be supported and PUT MAY be supported.
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a /$filter(...)/$each segment
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be updated via a PATCH request with a type-cast segment and a /$each segment
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection or entity to update. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the update.
QueryOptions ModificationQueryOptionsType? Support for query options with update requests
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.
NonUpdatableProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties cannot be specified on update
NonUpdatableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These navigation properties do not allow rebinding
RequiredProperties [PropertyPath] These structural properties must be specified on update


Flag Member Value Description
GET 1 The HTTP GET Method
PUT 4 The HTTP PUT Method
HEAD 64 The HTTP HEAD Method


Property Type Description
Supported Boolean Annotation target supports deep updates
ContentIDSupported Boolean Annotation target supports accepting and returning nested entities annotated with the Core.ContentID instance annotation.


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Deletable Boolean Entities can be deleted
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection to delete from or the entity to delete. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be deleted via a DELETE request with a /$filter(...)/$each segment
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be deleted via a DELETE request with a type-cast segment and a /$each segment
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the delete.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.

DeleteRestrictionsType: DeleteRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Deletable Boolean Entities can be deleted
MaxLevels Int32 The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection to delete from or the entity to delete. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be deleted via a DELETE request with a /$filter(...)/$each segment
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Members of collections can be deleted via a DELETE request with a type-cast segment and a /$each segment
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to perform the delete.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.
NonDeletableNavigationProperties [NavigationPropertyPath] These navigation properties do not allow DeleteLink requests


Property Type Description
CollectionProperty PropertyPath? Restricted Collection-valued property
FilterFunctions [String] List of functions and operators supported in filter expressions
If not specified, null, or empty, all functions and operators may be attempted.
FilterRestrictions FilterRestrictionsType? Restrictions on filter expressions
SearchRestrictions SearchRestrictionsType? Restrictions on search expressions
SortRestrictions SortRestrictionsType? Restrictions on orderby expressions
TopSupported Boolean Supports $top
SkipSupported Boolean Supports $skip
SelectSupport SelectSupportType? Support for $select
Insertable Boolean Members can be inserted into this collection
If additionally annotated with Core.PositionalInsert, members can be inserted at a specific position
Updatable Boolean Members of this ordered collection can be updated by ordinal
Deletable Boolean Members of this ordered collection can be deleted by ordinal


Property Type Description
FilterSegmentSupported Boolean Bound action or function can be invoked on a collection-valued binding parameter path with a /$filter(...) segment
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to invoke an action or function
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.


Property Type Description
ExpandSupported Boolean Supports $expand with modification requests
SelectSupported Boolean Supports $select with modification requests
ComputeSupported Boolean Supports $compute with modification requests
FilterSupported Boolean Supports $filter with modification requests
SearchSupported Boolean Supports $search with modification requests
SortSupported Boolean Supports $orderby with modification requests


Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Readable Boolean Entities can be retrieved
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to read.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.

ReadByKeyRestrictionsType: ReadRestrictionsBase

Restrictions for retrieving an entity by key

Property Type Description
Readable Boolean Entities can be retrieved
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to read.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.

ReadRestrictionsType: ReadRestrictionsBase

Property Type Description
Readable Boolean Entities can be retrieved
Permissions [PermissionType?] Required permissions. One of the specified sets of scopes is required to read.
CustomHeaders [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom headers
CustomQueryOptions [CustomParameter] Supported or required custom query options
Description String? A brief description of the request
LongDescription String? A long description of the request
ErrorResponses [HttpResponse] Possible error responses returned by the request.
TypecastSegmentSupported Boolean Entities of a specific derived type can be read by specifying a type-cast segment
ReadByKeyRestrictions ReadByKeyRestrictionsType? Restrictions for retrieving an entity by key
Only valid when applied to a collection. If a property of ReadByKeyRestrictions is not specified, the corresponding property value of ReadRestrictions applies.


A custom parameter is either a header or a query option

The type of a custom parameter is always a string. Restrictions on the parameter values can be expressed by annotating the record expression describing the parameter with terms from the Validation vocabulary, e.g. Validation.Pattern or Validation.AllowedValues.

Property Type Description
Name String Name of the custom parameter
Description String? Description of the custom parameter
DocumentationURL URL? URL of related documentation
Required Boolean true: parameter is required, false or not specified: parameter is optional
ExampleValues [PrimitiveExampleValue] Example values for the custom parameter


Property Type Description
ChangeTracking ChangeTrackingBase? Change tracking capabilities
CountRestrictions CountRestrictionsBase? Restrictions on /$count path suffix and $count=true system query option
IndexableByKey Tag? Supports key values according to OData URL conventions
TopSupported Tag? Supports $top
SkipSupported Tag? Supports $skip
ComputeSupported Tag? Supports $compute
SelectSupport SelectSupportType? Support for $select and nested query options within $select
FilterRestrictions FilterRestrictionsBase? Restrictions on filter expressions
SortRestrictions SortRestrictionsBase? Restrictions on orderby expressions
ExpandRestrictions ExpandRestrictionsBase? Restrictions on expand expressions
SearchRestrictions SearchRestrictionsType? Restrictions on search expressions
InsertRestrictions InsertRestrictionsBase? Restrictions on insert operations
UpdateRestrictions UpdateRestrictionsBase? Restrictions on update operations
DeleteRestrictions DeleteRestrictionsBase? Restrictions on delete operations
OperationRestrictions OperationRestrictionsType? Restrictions for function or action operations
ReadRestrictions ReadRestrictionsType? Restrictions for retrieving a collection of entities, retrieving a singleton instance


Property Type Description
StatusCode String HTTP response status code, for example 400, 403, 501
Description String Human-readable description of the response

4 Measures Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Measures.V1

Terms describing monetary amounts and measured quantities


Term Type Description
ISOCurrency String The currency for this monetary amount as an ISO 4217 currency code
Scale Byte The number of significant decimal places in the scale part (less than or equal to the number declared in the Scale facet)
Unit String The unit of measure for this measured quantity, e.g. cm for centimeters or % for percentages
UNECEUnit String The unit of measure for this measured quantity, according to the UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20
DurationGranularity DurationGranularityType The minimum granularity of duration values.
Absence of this annotation means a granularity of seconds with sub-seconds according to the Precision facet.


Type: String

Allowed Value Description
days Duration in days, e.g. P1D
hours Duration in days and hours, e.g. P1DT23H
minutes Duration in days, hours, and minutes, e.g. P1DT23H59M

5 Validation Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Validation.V1

Terms describing validation rules


Term Type Description
Pattern String The pattern that a string property, parameter, or term must match. This SHOULD be a valid regular expression, according to the ECMA 262 regular expression dialect.
Minimum PrimitiveType Minimum value that a property, parameter, or term can have.
Can be annotated with:
Maximum PrimitiveType Maximum value that a property, parameter, or term can have.
Can be annotated with:
Exclusive Tag Tags a Minimum or Maximum as exclusive, i.e. an open interval boundary.
AllowedValues [AllowedValue] A collection of valid values for the annotated property, parameter, or type definition
MultipleOf Decimal The value of the annotated property, parameter, or term must be an integer multiple of this positive value. For temporal types, the value is measured in seconds.
Constraint ConstraintType Condition that the annotation target has to fulfill
ItemsOf [ItemsOfType] A list of constraints describing that entities related via one navigation property MUST also be related via another, collection-valued navigation property. The same path value MUST NOT occur more than once.
Example: entity type Customer has navigation properties AllOrders, OpenOrders, and ClosedOrders. The term allows to express that items of OpenOrders and ClosedOrders are also items of the AllOrders navigation property, even though they are defined in an Orders entity set.
OpenPropertyTypeConstraint [SingleOrCollectionType] Dynamic properties added to the annotated open structured type are restricted to the listed types.
DerivedTypeConstraint [SingleOrCollectionType] Values are restricted to types that are both identical to or derived from the declared type and a type listed in this collection.
This allows restricting values to certain sub-trees of an inheritance hierarchy, including hierarchies starting at the Built-In Abstract Types. Types listed in this collection are ignored if they are not derived from the declared type of the annotated model element or would not be allowed as declared type of the annotated model element.
When applied to a collection-valued element, this annotation specifies the types allowed for members of the collection without mentioning the Collection() wrapper. The SingleOrCollectionType may only include the Collection() wrapper if the annotation is applied to an element with declared type Edm.Untyped.
AllowedTerms [QualifiedTermName] Annotate a term of type Edm.AnnotationPath, or a property of type Edm.AnnotationPath that is used within a structured term, to restrict the terms that can be targeted by the path.
The annotation path expression is intended to end in a path segment with one of the listed terms. For forward compatibility, clients should be prepared for the annotation to reference terms besides those listed.
ApplicableTerms [QualifiedTermName] Names of specific terms that are applicable and may be applied in the current context. This annotation does not restrict the use of other terms.
MaxItems Int64 The annotated collection must have at most the specified number of items.
MinItems Int64 The annotated collection must have at least the specified number of items.


Property Type Description
Value PrimitiveType? An allowed value for the property, parameter, or type definition

Applicable Annotation Terms:


Property Type Description
FailureMessage String? Human-readable message that can be shown to end users if the constraint is not fulfilled
Condition Boolean Value MUST be a dynamic expression that evaluates to true if and only if the constraint is fulfilled


Entities related via the single- or collection-valued navigation property identified by path are also related via the collection-valued navigation property identified by target.

Property Type Description
path NavigationPropertyPath A path to a single- or collection-valued navigation property
target NavigationPropertyPath A path to a collection-valued navigation property


Type: String

The qualified name of a type in scope, optionally wrapped in Collection() to denote a collection of instances of the type

6 Aggregation Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Aggregation.V1

Terms to describe which data in a given entity model can be aggregated, and how.

Related to the specification document OData-Data-Agg-v4.0.


Term Type Description
ApplySupported ApplySupportedType This entity set or collection supports the $apply system query option
ApplySupportedDefaults ApplySupportedBase Default support of the $apply system query option for all collection-valued resources in the container

Annotating term ApplySupported for a specific collection-valued resource overrides the default support with the specified properties using PATCH semantics:

  • Primitive or collection-valued properties specified in ApplySupported replace the corresponding properties specified in ApplySupportedDefaults
  • Complex-valued properties specified in ApplySupported override the corresponding properties specified in ApplySupportedDefaults using PATCH semantics recursively
  • Properties specified neither in ApplySupported nor in ApplySupportedDefaults have their default value
Groupable (Deprecated) Tag Deprecated in favor of ApplySupported/GroupableProperties
Aggregatable (Deprecated) Tag Deprecated in favor of ApplySupported/AggregatableProperties
CustomAggregate String Dynamic property that can be used in the aggregate transformation
This term MUST be applied with a Qualifier, the Qualifier value is the name of the dynamic property. The value of the annotation MUST be the qualified name of a primitive type. The aggregated value will be of that type.
ContextDefiningProperties [PropertyPath] The annotated property or custom aggregate is only well-defined in the context of these properties
The context-defining properties need either be part of the result entities, or be restricted to a single value by a pre-filter operation. Examples are postal codes within a country, or monetary amounts whose context is the unit of currency.
LeveledHierarchy [PropertyPath] Defines a leveled hierarchy (OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 5.5.1)
RecursiveHierarchy RecursiveHierarchyType Defines a recursive hierarchy (OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 5.5.2)
UpPath [String] The string values of the node identifiers in a path from the annotated node to a start node in a traversal of a recursive hierarchy
This instance annotation occurs in the result set after a traverse transformation (OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section A use case for this is traversal with multiple parents, when this annotation takes as value one parent node identifier followed by one grandparent node identifier and so on.
AvailableOnAggregates AvailableOnAggregatesType This function is available on aggregated entities if the RequiredProperties are still defined



Is the entity a node of the hierarchy specified by the parameter pair (HierarchyNodes, HierarchyQualifier)? (See OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section

If a node identifier passed to the function is null, the function returns null.

Parameter Type Description
HierarchyNodes [EntityType] A collection, given through a $root expression
HierarchyQualifier HierarchyQualifier
Node PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the putative node


Is the entity a root node of the hierarchy specified by the parameter pair (HierarchyNodes, HierarchyQualifier)?

If a node identifier passed to the function is null, the function returns null.

Parameter Type Description
HierarchyNodes [EntityType] A collection, given through a $root expression
HierarchyQualifier HierarchyQualifier
Node PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the putative root


Is the entity a descendant node of the ancestor node in the hierarchy specified by the parameter pair (HierarchyNodes, HierarchyQualifier) with at most the specified distance? (See OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section

If a node identifier passed to the function is null, the function returns null.

Parameter Type Description
HierarchyNodes [EntityType] A collection, given through a $root expression
HierarchyQualifier HierarchyQualifier
Node PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the putative descendant
Ancestor PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the ancestor node
MaxDistance Int16 Optional parameter
IncludeSelf Boolean Optional parameter: Whether to include the node itself in the result


Is the entity an ancestor node of the descendant node in the hierarchy specified by the parameter pair (HierarchyNodes, HierarchyQualifier) with at most the specified distance? (See OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section

If a node identifier passed to the function is null, the function returns null.

Parameter Type Description
HierarchyNodes [EntityType] A collection, given through a $root expression
HierarchyQualifier HierarchyQualifier
Node PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the putative ancestor
Descendant PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the descendant node
MaxDistance Int16 Optional parameter
IncludeSelf Boolean Optional parameter: Whether to include the node itself in the result


Is the entity a sibling node of the other node in the hierarchy specified by the parameter pair (HierarchyNodes, HierarchyQualifier)? (See OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section

A node is not a sibling of itself. If a node identifier passed to the function is null, the function returns null.

Parameter Type Description
HierarchyNodes [EntityType] A collection, given through a $root expression
HierarchyQualifier HierarchyQualifier
Node PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the putative sibling
Other PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the other node


Is the entity a leaf node in the hierarchy specified by the parameter pair (HierarchyNodes, HierarchyQualifier)? (See OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section

If a node identifier passed to the function is null, the function returns null.

Parameter Type Description
HierarchyNodes [EntityType] A collection, given through a $root expression
HierarchyQualifier HierarchyQualifier
Node PrimitiveType? Node identifier of the putative leaf


During rolluprecursive for a hierarchy node, this function returns the node

This function may only occur in the second parameter of a groupby transformation whose first parameter contains rolluprecursive(...). It is evaluated as part of the transformation R(x) in the “rolluprecursive algorithm” (OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 6.3). Its behavior is undefined outside of this algorithm.

Sales?$apply=groupby((rolluprecursive(...)), filter(SalesOrganization eq Aggregation.rollupnode())/aggregate(...))

constructs a rollup that contains aggregates per hierarchy node while excluding descendants from the aggregation.

Parameter Type Description
Position Int16 Optional parameter: Position N among the rolluprecursive operators in the first argument of groupby
Every instance in the output set of a groupby transformation with M rolluprecursive operators has M relationships to M nodes in M recursive hierarchies. This function returns the node x with path r to the root in relationship number N. If several such groupby transformations are nested, this function refers to the innermost one.


Services that do not fully implement a certain aggregation-related functionality may document this by annotating the ApplySupported or ApplySupportedDefaults annotation with a description.

Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Transformations [Transformation] Transformations that can be used in $apply
CustomAggregationMethods [String] Qualified names of custom aggregation methods that can be used in aggregate(...with...)
Rollup RollupType The service supports rollup hierarchies in a groupby transformation
From Boolean The service supports the from keyword in an aggregate transformation

ApplySupportedType: ApplySupportedBase

Property Type Description
Transformations [Transformation] Transformations that can be used in $apply
CustomAggregationMethods [String] Qualified names of custom aggregation methods that can be used in aggregate(...with...)
Rollup RollupType The service supports rollup hierarchies in a groupby transformation
From Boolean The service supports the from keyword in an aggregate transformation
PropertyRestrictions (Deprecated) Boolean Deprecated since Groupable and Aggregatable are deprecated
GroupableProperties [AnyPropertyPath] A non-empty collection indicates that only the listed properties of the annotated target are supported by the groupby transformation
AggregatableProperties [AggregatablePropertyType] A non-empty collection indicates that only the listed properties of the annotated target can be used in the aggregate transformation, optionally restricted to the specified aggregation methods


Property Type Description
Property PropertyPath Aggregatable property
SupportedAggregationMethods [AggregationMethod] Standard and custom aggregation methods that can be applied to the property. If omitted, all aggregation methods can be applied
RecommendedAggregationMethod AggregationMethod? Recommended method for aggregating values of the property


Type: String

A transformation that can be used in $apply

Allowed Value Description
aggregate OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.2.1
groupby OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.2.3
concat OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.2.2
identity OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.4.1
filter OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.3.2
search OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.3.4
nest OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.5.2
addnested OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.4.3
join OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.5.1
outerjoin OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.5.1
compute OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.4.2
bottomcount OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section
bottomsum OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section
bottompercent OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section
topcount OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section
topsum OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section
toppercent OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section
orderby OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.3.3
top OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.3.6
skip OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 3.3.5
ancestors OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 6.2.1
descendants OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 6.2.1
traverse OData-Data-Agg-v4.0, section 6.2.2


Type: String

Standard or custom aggregation method

Custom aggregation methods MUST use a namespace-qualified name, that is contain at least one dot.

Allowed Value Description
sum Can be applied to numeric values to return the sum of the non-null values, or null if there are no non-null values or the input set is empty
min Can be applied to values with a totally ordered domain to return the smallest of the non-null values, or null if there are no non-null values or the input set is empty
max Can be applied to values with a totally ordered domain to return the largest of the non-null values, or null if there are no non-null values or the input set is empty
average Can be applied to numeric values to return the sum of the non-null values divided by the count of the non-null values, or null if there are no non-null values or the input set is empty
countdistinct Counts the distinct values, omitting any null values
For navigation properties, it counts the distinct entities in the union of all entities related to entities in the input set. For collection-valued primitive properties, it counts the distinct items in the union of all collection values in the input set.


The number of rollup or rolluprecursive operators allowed in a groupby transformation

Member Value Description
None 0 No support for rollup or rolluprecursive
SingleHierarchy 1 Only one rollup or rolluprecursive operator per groupby
MultipleHierarchies 2 Full support for rollup and rolluprecursive


Property Type Description
NodeProperty PropertyPath Primitive property holding the node identifier
ParentNavigationProperty NavigationPropertyPath Property for navigating to the parent node(s). Its type MUST be the entity type annotated with this term, and it MUST be collection-valued or nullable single-valued.


Type: String

Qualifier of a RecursiveHierarchy annotation

Every recursive hierarchy function defined in this vocabulary has

HierarchyQualifier is the qualifier of a RecursiveHierarchy annotation on the entity type of the collection given by the HierarchyNodes parameter. This specifies a recursive hierarchy that is evaluated by the function.


Property Type Description
RequiredProperties [PropertyPath] Properties required to apply this function

NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilities: NavigationPropertyRestriction (Deprecated)

Capabilities.NavigationRestrictions that make use of the additional properties in this subtype are deprecated in favor of ApplySupported and CustomAggregate

CustomAggregateType (Deprecated)

Deprecated since NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilities is also deprecated

7 Authorization Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Authorization.V1

The Authorization Vocabulary provides terms for describing authorization requirements of the service


Term Type Description
SecuritySchemes [SecurityScheme] At least one of the specified security schemes are required to make a request against the service
Authorizations [Authorization] Lists the methods supported by the service to authorize access


Property Type Description
Authorization SchemeName The name of a required authorization scheme
RequiredScopes [String] The names of scopes required from this authorization scheme


Base type for all Authorization types

Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme

OpenIDConnect: Authorization

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
IssuerUrl URL Issuer location for the OpenID Provider. Configuration information can be obtained by appending /.well-known/openid-configuration to this Url.

Http: Authorization

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
Scheme String HTTP Authorization scheme to be used in the Authorization header, as per RFC7235
BearerFormat String? Format of the bearer token

OAuthAuthorization: Authorization

Derived Types:

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
Scopes [AuthorizationScope] Available scopes
RefreshUrl URL? Refresh Url

OAuth2ClientCredentials: OAuthAuthorization

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
Scopes [AuthorizationScope] Available scopes
RefreshUrl URL? Refresh Url
TokenUrl URL Token Url

OAuth2Implicit: OAuthAuthorization

Security note: OAuth2 implicit grant is considered to be not secure and should not be used by clients, see OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice.

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
Scopes [AuthorizationScope] Available scopes
RefreshUrl URL? Refresh Url
AuthorizationUrl URL Authorization URL

OAuth2Password: OAuthAuthorization

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
Scopes [AuthorizationScope] Available scopes
RefreshUrl URL? Refresh Url
TokenUrl URL Token Url

OAuth2AuthCode: OAuthAuthorization

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
Scopes [AuthorizationScope] Available scopes
RefreshUrl URL? Refresh Url
AuthorizationUrl URL Authorization URL
TokenUrl URL Token Url


Property Type Description
Scope String Scope name
Grant String? Identity that has access to the scope or can grant access to the scope.
Description String Description of the scope

ApiKey: Authorization

Property Type Description
Name String Name that can be used to reference the authorization scheme
Description String? Description of the authorization scheme
KeyName String The name of the header or query parameter
Location KeyLocation Whether the API Key is passed in the header or as a query option


Member Value Description
Header 0 API Key is passed in the header
QueryOption 1 API Key is passed as a query option
Cookie 2 API Key is passed as a cookie


Type: String

The name of the authorization scheme.

8 JSON Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.JSON.V1

Terms for JSON properties


Term Type Description
Schema JSON The JSON Schema for JSON values of the annotated media entity type, property, parameter, return type, term, or type definition
The schema can be a schema reference, i.e. {"$ref":"url/of/schemafile#/path/to/schema/within/schemafile"}


Type: Stream

Textual data of media type application/json

9 Repeatability Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Repeatability.V1

Terms describing repeatable requests


Term Type Description
Supported Tag Repeatable requests are supported for the annotated service, entity set, or action
Annotations on entity set or action import level override an annotation on entity container level, and an annotation on action level override an annotation on action import level.
DeleteWithClientIDSupported Tag Deletion of remembered requests by client ID is supported
Clients that specify a RepeatabilityClientID header can delete all remembered requests for that client ID by sending a
DELETE $RepeatableRequestsWithClientID/{Repeatability-Client-ID}
request to the service root.
DeleteWithRequestIDSupported Tag Deletion of remembered requests by request ID is supported
Clients can delete a single remembered request by sending a
DELETE $RepeatableRequestWithRequestID/{Repeatability-Request-ID}
request to the service root.

10 Temporal Vocabulary

Namespace: Org.OData.Temporal.V1

Terms for describing time-dependent data


Term Type Description
ApplicationTimeSupport ApplicationTimeSupportType This collection supports temporal requests



Updates existing time slices with values from delta time slices whose object keys match and whose periods overlap

The update behavior for a given object key is known from the SQL statement UPDATE ... FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME ... WHERE ....

deltaTimeslices with non-matching object keys and non-overlapping sub-periods of deltaTimeslices are disregarded.

Parameter Type Description
timeslices [EntityType] Binding parameter: Time slices to modify
deltaTimeslices [TimesliceWithPeriod] New time slices whose property values are used to update the timeslices collection
The delta time slices need not contain all properties, but at least the boundary values of the period to change. An absent object key property matches any key property value. New time slices are processed in the order of the collection, which especially matters if some of the specified change periods overlap.
[TimesliceWithPeriod] Modified time slices


Like Update, but additionally inserts those (sub-periods of) deltaTimeslices that Update disregards

Parameter Type Description
timeslices [EntityType] Binding parameter: Time slices to modify
deltaTimeslices [TimesliceWithPeriod] New time slices to be merged into the timeslices collection
The delta time slices must contain all properties that are needed for insertion. New time slices are processed in the order of the collection, which especially matters if some of the specified change periods overlap.
[TimesliceWithPeriod] Modified time slices


Deletes (sub-periods of) existing time slices whose object keys match and whose periods overlap deltaTimeslices

The deletion behavior for a given object key is known from the SQL statement DELETE ... FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME ... WHERE .... The sub-period of an existing time slice that lies outside a given instance of deltaTimeslices is kept, effectively shortening the time slice.

Parameter Type Description
timeslices [EntityType] Binding parameter: Time slices to modify
deltaTimeslices [TimesliceWithPeriod] Time slices to be deleted from the timeslices collection
The delta time slices contain only the boundary values of the period to delete and (parts of) the object key. An absent object key property matches any key property value.
[TimesliceWithPeriod] Deleted (sub-periods of) time slices


Property Type Description
UnitOfTime UnitOfTime Unit of time and other properties of a time period
Timeline Timeline Describes how the history and future of the data are represented
SupportedActions [QualifiedActionName] List of supported temporal actions


Unit of time and other properties of a time period

Derived Types:

UnitOfTimeDateTimeOffset: UnitOfTime

Period start and end are of type Edm.DateTimeOffset

Property Type Description
Precision Byte Precision of Edm.DateTimeOffset values for period start and end

UnitOfTimeDate: UnitOfTime

Period start and end are of type Edm.Date

The period is a contiguous set of days and does not consider the time of the day.

Property Type Description
ClosedClosedPeriods Boolean If true, the period end is the last day in the period; if false, the period end is the first day after the period


Describes how the history and future of the data are represented

Derived Types:

TimelineSnapshot: Timeline

Each OData entity maps each point in application time to an instance of the entity type

To address an entity in a resource path or path to related resources, a point in application time must be specified as described in [OData-Temporal, section 4.2.1]. The addressed entity is then a snapshot of the data at the given point in time. When an action defined in this vocabulary is applied to a collection of this entity type, the entity key plays the role of object key.

TimelineVisible: Timeline

Each OData entity represents data during a period of application time

The temporal collection MUST NOT contain two entities with the same object key as defined by their ObjectKey properties and with overlapping application-time periods as defined by their PeriodStart and PeriodEnd properties. The temporal collection always contains all entities (with consecutive time periods) for a given object key.

Property Type Description
PeriodStart PropertyPath Property containing lower boundary of a period
PeriodEnd PropertyPath Property containing upper boundary of a period
If an upper boundary property does not specify a default value, a default value of max is assumed.
ObjectKey [PropertyPath] The set of primitive properties that identify a temporal object
A temporal object is a set of facts whose changes over application time are tracked by the service. The entities in the annotated collection belong to potentially multiple temporal objects, and each temporal object is uniquely identified by the values of the specified object key properties. Object key properties follow the same rules as entity key properties. If no object key is specified, only a single temporal object belongs to the annotated collection.


Delta time slices with validity period

The properties PeriodStart and PeriodEnd MUST NOT be present if the entity type of the Timeslice already contains period start and end, that is, if the collection on which the action is invoked has visible timeline. If present, they MUST have the same type, either Edm.Date or Edm.DateTimeOffset, and they are interpreted according to the ApplicationTimeSupport/UnitOfTime of the collection. In particular, ApplicationTimeSupport/UnitOfTime/ClosedClosedPeriods governs whether a PeriodEnd of type Edm.Date is the last day in the period or the first day after the period. If PeriodStart is present and PeriodEnd is absent, a default value of max is assumed for PeriodEnd.

Property Type Description
PeriodStart PrimitiveType? Lower boundary of the time slice
PeriodEnd PrimitiveType? Upper boundary of the time slice
Timeslice EntityType A time slice with the same entity type as the binding parameter of the action
When it appears in the return type of an action in this vocabulary, the time slice has the same entity set as the binding parameter value.

Appendix A. References

This appendix contains the normative and informative references that are used in this document.

While any hyperlinks included in this appendix were valid at the time of publication, OASIS cannot guarantee their long-term validity.

A.1 Normative References

The following documents are referenced in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document.


OData Version 4.02. Part 1: Protocol.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) JSON Representation Version 4.02.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.

OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) XML Representation Version 4.02.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels”, BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997. https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc2119.


Leiba, B., “Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words”, BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017. https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc8174.

A.2 Non-Normative References


odata-vocabularies OASIS TC GitHub repository. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-vocabularies.

Appendix B. Acknowledgments

B.1 Special Thanks

The contributions of the OASIS OData Technical Committee members, enumerated in OData-Protocol, are gratefully acknowledged.

B.2 Participants

OData TC Members:

First Name Last Name Company
George Ericson Dell
Hubert Heijkers IBM
Ling Jin IBM
Stefan Hagen Individual
Michael Pizzo Microsoft
Christof Sprenger Microsoft
Ralf Handl SAP SE
Gerald Krause SAP SE
Heiko Theißen SAP SE
Martin Zurmuehl SAP SE

Appendix C. Revision History

Revision Date Editor Changes Made
Committee Specification Draft 01 2016-12-08 Michael Pizzo
Ralf Handl
Ram Jeyaraman
Documentation automatically extracted from XML source files
Committee Specification Draft 02 2024-06-19 Michael Pizzo
Ralf Handl
Heiko Theißen
Documentation automatically extracted from XML source files

Appendix D. Notices

Copyright © OASIS Open 2024. All Rights Reserved.

All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the “OASIS IPR Policy”). The full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it into languages other than English.

The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by OASIS or its successors or assigns.


As stated in the OASIS IPR Policy, the following three paragraphs in brackets apply to OASIS Standards Final Deliverable documents (Committee Specification, Candidate OASIS Standard, OASIS Standard, or Approved Errata).

[OASIS requests that any OASIS Party or any other party that believes it has patent claims that would necessarily be infringed by implementations of this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable, to notify OASIS TC Administrator and provide an indication of its willingness to grant patent licenses to such patent claims in a manner consistent with the IPR Mode of the OASIS Technical Committee that produced this deliverable.]

[OASIS invites any party to contact the OASIS TC Administrator if it is aware of a claim of ownership of any patent claims that would necessarily be infringed by implementations of this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable by a patent holder that is not willing to provide a license to such patent claims in a manner consistent with the IPR Mode of the OASIS Technical Committee that produced this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable. OASIS may include such claims on its website, but disclaims any obligation to do so.]

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