OData Extension for Temporal Data Version 4.0

Committee Specification Draft 04

25 January 2022


This stage:

https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-temporal-ext/v4.0/csd04/odata-temporal-ext-v4.0-csd04.md (Authoritative)

Previous stage:

https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-temporal-ext/v4.0/cs01/odata-temporal-ext-v4.0-cs01.docx (Authoritative)

Latest stage:

https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-temporal-ext/v4.0/odata-temporal-ext-v4.0.md (Authoritative)

Technical Committee:

OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC


Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE
Michael Pizzo (mikep@microsoft.com), Microsoft


Ralf Handl (ralf.handl@sap.com), SAP SE
Hubert Heijkers (hubert.heijkers@nl.ibm.com), IBM
Gerald Krause (gerald.krause@sap.com), SAP SE
Michael Pizzo (mikep@microsoft.com), Microsoft
Heiko Theißen (heiko.theissen@sap.com), SAP SE
Martin Zurmuehl (martin.zurmuehl@sap.com), SAP SE

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This document is one component of a Work Product that also includes:

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This specification defines how to represent and interact with time-dependent data using the Open Data Protocol (OData).


This document was last revised or approved by the OASIS Open Data Protocol (OData) TC on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the “Latest stage” location noted above for possible later revisions of this document. Any other numbered Versions and other technical work produced by the Technical Committee (TC) are listed at https://groups.oasis-open.org/communities/tc-community-home2?CommunityKey=e7cac2a9-2d18-4640-b94d-018dc7d3f0e2#technical.

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OData Extension for Temporal Data Version 4.0. Edited by Ralf Handl, Hubert Heijkers, Gerald Krause, Michael Pizzo, Heiko Theißen, and Martin Zurmuehl. 25 January 2022. OASIS Committee Specification Draft 04. https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-temporal-ext/v4.0/csd04/odata-temporal-ext-v4.0-csd04.html. Latest stage: https://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/odata-temporal-ext/v4.0/odata-temporal-ext-v4.0.html.


Copyright © OASIS Open 2022. All Rights Reserved.

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The name “OASIS” is a trademark of OASIS, the owner and developer of this specification, and should be used only to refer to the organization and its official outputs.

For complete copyright information please see the full Notices section in an Appendix below.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

This specification adds the notion of time-dependency to the Open Data Protocol (OData) without changing any of the base principles of OData. It defines semantics and a representation for temporal data, especially:

1.1 Changes from Earlier Versions

1.2 Glossary

1.2.1 Definitions of Terms Application Time

Application time is used to describe data that is known to change over time, for example the budget of a department, or which department an employee works for. Application time may capture planned changes in the future, for example transferring an employee to a new department next month or capturing next year’s budget for a department. Both future and past data can be changed. System Time

System time is used to record when data became known by the “system of record”. System time does not extend into the future, and record entries are only added and are never changed.

System time is never manipulated directly, and typically not visible in APIs, except for “last changed at” time stamps, and the corresponding properties are read-only.

As system time is typically not visible in APIs, we do not consider this in the remainder of this document. Temporal Object

A temporal object is a set of data whose change over time is tracked by the service as a sequence of time slices. Time Slice

A piece of temporal data with attached time period, documenting that the data did not change during this time period.

Time slices for the same temporal object are non-overlapping, so for any given point in time there is at most one slice whose time period contains that point in time.

Time slices for a temporal object need not cover the complete timeline. There can be points in time for which no time slice exists, indicating that the object’s values are not known to the service. Closed-Open Semantics

Time slices typically use closed-open semantics, following SQL:2011. This means the start is part of the period, the end is not part of the period, and for directly adjacent time slices the end of the earlier time slice is identical to the start of the next time slice. The period start must be less than the period end. Closed-Closed Semantics

Some software systems predating the availability of temporal databases and with data type date for the application-time period start and end use closed-closed semantics. Temporal services on top of these systems can either convert their period end boundaries on-the-fly by adding one day on the way out and subtracting one day on the way in, or alternatively express the used time slice semantics via annotations. Snapshot Entity Set

An entity in a snapshot entity set represents a temporal object at a specified point in time. When the entity is addressed via a resource path (directly or via related resources), the point in time must be specified, see section 4.2.1 for details on how to determine this point in time.

The entity’s id and its canonical URL are independent of this point in time. Hence, they are sufficient to reference the entity but not address it. In other words: the entity can be considered a function that maps each point in time to an instance of the entity type. That function can be referenced but only its values can be addressed.

Without a point in time, statements about individual structural or navigation properties of the entity or even about its existence cannot be made, and change tracking is not possible.

Snapshot entity sets MUST be annotated with a Timeline of type TimelineSnapshot. Timeline Entity Set

An entity in a timeline entity set represents one time slice of a temporal object, and all time slices of that temporal object are part of the entity set.

The entity’s id and its canonical URL depend on the period of application time of the corresponding time slice. Referencing and addressing the entity are equivalent concepts, unlike in the snapshot case.

The response to a time-range request need not reflect the time-slice cut of the underlying data model.

Services MAY condense/defragment adjacent time slices that do not differ in represented properties other than the period boundaries. This reduces the payload size, and it also avoids potential information leakage if the service only publishes a projection of the underlying data model.

Services MAY also split time slices to align their boundaries with nested expanded time slices to represent a “coarsest common slicing” across an expand tree.

Timeline entity sets MUST be annotated with a Timeline of type TimelineVisible.

1.2.2 Document Conventions

Keywords defined by this specification use this monospaced font.

Some sections of this specification are illustrated with non-normative examples.

Example 1: text describing an example uses this paragraph style

Non-normative examples use this paragraph style.

All examples in this document are non-normative and informative only.

All other text is normative unless otherwise labeled.

2 Overview

When keeping track of time, the most important questions are:

This leads to two “directions” or “dimensions” of time (measured as a date or date-plus-time value):

Keeping track of time is typically done by storing data together with the time period for which that data is deemed valid or effective, using separate periods for application time and system time, and the time periods are part of the logical key for “records”. See SQL:2011 or Kulkarni on how this is done in the SQL standard.

A consumer’s perspective on this data can be different: even if time is tracked internally, the period of time may or may not be visible in a consumer’s perspective, and even if visible the related properties are often not considered part of an entity’s identity. For example, an employee is still the same person even after switching to another department.

The goals of this extension are:

2.1 Example Model

Assume a simple scenario: employees will work in different roles and in different departments during their career, and sometimes they even change their name. At each point in time the employee has exactly one name, one job title, and is assigned to one department.

Employees are assigned an immutable ID when first entering the company, and all employee-related data will be recorded with an application-time period attached. This allows entering planned changes ahead of time, using a future application-time start date: if an employee will get a different job title or switch to a different department, this data can already be entered into the system and stored as a new record.

In the sections below we will discuss two different API models that can be backed by the same storage model:

Example 2: model for api-1 with snapshot entity sets (hidden application time), key properties marked with {id}

ID: Edm.String {id}
ID: Edm.String {id}
Name: Edm.String
Name: Edm.String
Jobtitle: Edm.String
Jobtitle: Edm.String
ID: Edm.String {id}
ID: Edm.String {id}
Name: Edm.String
Name: Edm.String
Text is not SVG - cannot display


Example 3: model for api-2 with timeline entity sets (visible application time), key properties marked with {id}

From: Edm.Date {id}
From: Edm.Date {id}
To: Edm.Date
To: Edm.Date
Name: Edm.String
Name: Edm.String
Jobtitle: Edm.String
Jobtitle: Edm.String
From: Edm.Date {id}
From: Edm.Date {id}
To: Edm.Date
To: Edm.Date
Name: Edm.String
Name: Edm.String
Budget: Edm.Decimal
Budget: Edm.Decimal
ID: Edm.String {id}
ID: Edm.String {id}
ID: Edm.String {id}
ID: Edm.String {id}
Text is not SVG - cannot display

2.2 Example Data

Both API models in the previous section are views on the same underlying data. A possible storage model for this data is:

Example 4: simple storage model: object key in dark green, temporal sub-key in light green, foreign keys in orange, non-key fields in blue

ID: String {id}
ID: String {id}
From: Date {id}
From: Date {id}
To: Date
To: Date
Name: String
Name: String
Jobtitle: String
Jobtitle: String
ID: String {id}
ID: String {id}
From: Date {id}
From: Date {id}
To: Date
To: Date
Name: String
Name: String
Budget: Decimal
Budget: Decimal
Text is not SVG - cannot display

The period start date is used as the temporal sub-key for identifying time slices together with the key of the temporal object.

Note: alternatively, the period end date could have been used as temporal sub-key, or the primary key of the time slice tables could have been an artificial key (sequence number, UUID, …) with both the temporal object key and the period boundaries as non-key fields.

The following example data will be used to further illustrate the capabilities introduced by this extension. It assumes that the example services only support four-digit years.

Example 5: example data: object key in dark green, temporal sub-key in light green, foreign keys in orange, non-key fields in blue


ID From To Name Budget
D08 2010-01-01 2012-01-01 Support 1000
D08 2012-01-01 2012-06-01 Support 1250
D08 2012-06-01 2014-01-01 1st Level Support 1250
D08 2014-01-01 max 1st Level Support 1400
D15 2010-01-01 2011-01-01 Services 1100
D15 2011-01-01 max Services 1170

2.3 Example Use Cases

A client might wish to query the example APIs in several ways:

3 Vocabulary for Temporal Data

The vocabulary for temporal data OData-VocTemporal defines a structured term for describing temporal query and modification capabilities of temporal services.

The term ApplicationTimeSupport describes the temporal capabilities of an entity set. It can be applied to an entity set, or to a containment navigation property to describe its implicit entity sets. It has a structured type with the following properties:

Example 6: Employees entity set from example model api-1 annotated with temporal terms

"Employees": {
  "$Collection": true,
  "$Type": "OrgModel.Employee",
  "@Temporal.ApplicationTimeSupport": {
    "Timeline": {
      "@type": "https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odata-vocabularies/vocabularies/Org.OData.Temporal.V1.json#Temporal.TimelineSnapshot"
    "UnitOfTime": {
      "@type": "https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odata-vocabularies/vocabularies/Org.OData.Temporal.V1.json#Temporal.UnitOfTimeDate"

Example 7: history navigation property in entity set Employees from example model api-2 annotated with temporal terms

"$Annotations": {
  "OrgModel.Default/Employees/history": {
    "@Temporal.ApplicationTimeSupport": {
      "Timeline": {
        "@type": "https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odata-vocabularies/vocabularies/Org.OData.Temporal.V1.json#Temporal.TimelineVisible",
        "TimeSliceStart": "From",
        "TimeSliceEnd": "To",
        "SupportedActions": [
      "UnitOfTime": {
        "@type": "https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odata-vocabularies/vocabularies/Org.OData.Temporal.V1.json#Temporal.UnitOfTimeDate"

Example 8: CostCenters entity set containing time slices for multiple temporal objects, the temporal objects identified by combination of AreaID and CostCenterID

"CostCenter": {
  "$Kind": "EntityType",
  "$Key": ["tsid"],
  "tsid": {},
  "AreaID": {},
  "CostCenterID": {},
  "ValidTo": { "$Type": "Edm.Date" },
  "ValidFrom": { "$Type": "Edm.Date" },
  "ProfitCenterID": { "$Nullable": true },
  "DepartmentID": { "$Nullable": true }

"Default": {
  "$Kind": "EntityContainer",
  "CostCenters": { "$Collection": true, "$Type": "this.CostCenter" }

"$Annotations": {
  "this.Default/CostCenters": {
    "@Temporal.ApplicationTimeSupport": {
      "UnitOfTime": {
        "@type": "https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odata-vocabularies/vocabularies/Org.OData.Temporal.V1.xml#Temporal.UnitOfTimeDate",
        "ClosedClosedPeriods": true
      "Timeline": {
        "@type": "https://oasis-tcs.github.io/odata-vocabularies/vocabularies/Org.OData.Temporal.V1.xml#Temporal.TimelineVisible",
        "PeriodStart": "ValidFrom",
        "PeriodEnd": "ValidTo",
        "ObjectKey": ["AreaID", "CostCenterID"]
      "SupportedActions": [

4 Temporal Requests

4.1 Temporal Expressions

A temporal expression is

The literals min and max are interpreted depending on the data type of the time period start and end. They represent the minimum and maximum values of the time period that the service will allow. Their values are service specific as they can depend on the capabilities of the underlying data model.

Note that there is no literal for “today” as clients and services can be in different time zones and thus can have different notions of which date is “today”. Clients are advised to use concrete temporal values and should avoid using the URL function now() with period start and end of type Edm.Date.

Note that services may allow service-defined functions for temporal expressions, for example to deal with fiscal years in a particular company.

4.2 Querying Temporal Data

Temporal query options allow point-in-time as well as time-range queries. They take a temporal expression as their argument whose result type MUST match the type of the corresponding time period start and end.

Adding temporal query options to a request does not alter the response shape, it only affects the returned data.

Temporal query options can be used with data modification operations, in which case they do not alter the modification semantics of the request, they only affect the response. That is, they only influence the “implicit GET” after successful data modification.

If no temporal query options are specified,

4.2.1 Propagation of Temporal Query Options

Temporal query options can be specified for the requested resource, and for expanded navigation properties. They are propagated along navigation paths and $expand until overridden on an expanded navigation property, and the overridden query option values are propagated from there to further expanded navigation properties.

If any temporal query option is specified for an expanded navigation property, all temporal query options are overridden, and only the explicitly specified temporal query options take effect and are propagated further.

Temporal query options can be specified even if the directly addressed resource does not track time. In this case the temporal query options do not have any effect other than being propagated along $expand.

For entities in a snapshot entity set the point in time for representing data is determined by the first applicable rule:

  1. by the query option $at nested within $expand
  2. by a $at value propagated along $expand
  3. by $at in the query option part of the request URL, which applies to every segment of the resource path and paths that occur in system query options
  4. by the default value “now” — the logic for determining this value is service-specific

For entities in a timeline entity set the time interval for filtering time slices is determined by the first applicable rule:

  1. by nested temporal query options within $expand
  2. by temporal query option values propagated along $expand
  3. by temporal query options in the query option part of the request URL

4.2.2 Query Option $at

The $at query option takes a temporal expression as its argument. It retrieves the snapshot whose application time period contains the value of $at.

For timeline entity sets and collection-valued navigation to timeline entity sets, $at=<point-in-time> is shorthand for


The query option $at can be combined with $filter and $search. Only entities satisfying all specified criteria are returned.

Example 9: Retrieve current data of an employee

GET /api-1/Employees('E314')

results in

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees/$entity",
  "ID": "E314",
  "Name": "McDevitt",
  "Jobtitle": "Senior"

Example 10: retrieve employee at a specific point in application time

GET /api-1/Employees('E314')?$at=2012-01-01

results in

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees/$entity",
  "ID": "E314",
  "Name": "McDevitt",
  "Jobtitle": "Junior"

Example 11: retrieve multiple employees at a past point in time

GET /api-1/Employees?$filter=contains(Name,'i')&$at=2012-01-01

results in one time slice for each employee matching the filter at the specified point in time — note that E401 back then does not satisfy this condition

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees",
  "value": [
      "ID": "E314",
      "Name": "McDevitt",
      "Jobtitle": "Junior"

Expanding related entities in combination with $at is straight-forward: the response consists of the time slices of related entities that are valid at the requested point in time. The period boundaries of the nested entities reflect the actual validity of the related entities and are independent of the period boundaries of the base entity.

Example 12: retrieve employee in the past, show the past department as of a later point in time

GET /api-1/Employees('E314')?$at=2012-01-01&$expand=Department($at=2021-11-23)

results in

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees/$entity",
  "ID": "E314",
  "Name": "McDevitt",
  "Jobtitle": "Junior",
  "Department": {
    "ID": "D08",
    "Name": "1st Level Support"

Example 13: retrieve department in the future with expanded employees at the same point in time

GET /api-1/Departments('D15')?$at=2015-01-01&$expand=Employees

results in

  "@context": "$metadata#Departments/$entity",
  "ID": "D15",
  "Name": "Services",
  "Employees": [
      "ID": "E314",
      "Name": "McDevitt",
      "Jobtitle": "Senior"
      "ID": "E401",
      "Name": "Gibson",
      "Jobtitle": "Expert"

4.2.3 Query Options $from, $to, and $toInclusive

The query options $from, $to, and $toInclusive only have an effect on timeline entity sets and collection-valued navigation to timeline entity sets. They each take a temporal expression as their argument.

Allowed combinations are:

  • $from and $to defines a closed-open interval
  • $from and $toInclusive defines a closed-closed interval
  • $from and neither $to nor $toInclusive defines a closed-closed interval with right boundary max.

It is not allowed to combine $from and $to/$toInclusive with $at because $at=<point-in-time> is shorthand for


The result is restricted to time slices whose application-time period overlaps with the interval defined by the query option values, taking the closed-open or closed-closed semantics of the entity set’s time slices into account. The benefit of the query options is that the client does not have to inspect the temporal annotations to determine the property names of the period boundaries, the period semantics, and get all comparison operators right.

For timeline entity sets with closed-open semantics $from=<start>&$to=<end> is shorthand for

$filter=<time-slice-start> lt <end> and <time-slice-end> gt <start>

and for timeline entity sets with closed-closed semantics shorthand for

$filter=<time-slice-start> lt <end> and <time-slice-end> ge <start>

For timeline entity sets with closed-open semantics $from=<start>&$toInclusive=<end> is shorthand for

$filter=<time-slice-start> le <end> and <time-slice-end> gt <start>

and for timeline entity sets with closed-closed semantics shorthand for

$filter=<time-slice-start> le <end> and <time-slice-end> ge <start>

The query options $from and $to/$toInclusive can be combined with $filter and $search. Only entities satisfying all specified criteria are returned.

If no $select is specified, each returned entity SHOULD contain the application-time period boundaries as part of the default selection.

Example 14: retrieve employee history over a period of application time

GET /api-2/Employees?$expand=history($select=Name,Jobtitle)

results in one entity for each employee with time slices that overlap the specified application-time period:

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees",
  "value": [
      "ID": "E314",
      "history": [
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Junior",
          "From": "2011-01-01",
          "To": "2013-10-01"
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Senior",
          "From": "2013-10-01",
          "To": "2014-01-01"
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Senior",
          "From": "2014-01-01",
          "To": "9999-12-31"
      "ID": "E401",
      "history": [
          "Name": "Gibson",
          "Jobtitle": "Expert",
          "From": "2012-03-01",
          "To": "9999-12-31"

The history for the first employee contains two time slices that do not differ in the represented properties, caused by a department change, and the department is not part of the representation.

The service could have combined these two time slices into one.

Example 15: retrieve all employees that ever worked for department D15, with their full history, and the department’s data at the start of each employee history time slice

GET /api-2/Departments('D15')/Employees?

has the following result with department names and budgets as of the beginning of each employee time slice:

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees",
  "value": [
      "ID": "E314",
      "history": [
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Junior",
          "From": "2011-01-01",
          "To": "2013-10-01",
          "Department": {
            "ID": "D08",
            "history": [{
              "Name": "Support",
              "Budget": 1000,
              "From": "2010-01-01",
              "To": "2012-10-01"
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Senior",
          "From": "2013-10-01",
          "To": "2014-01-01",
          "Department": {
            "ID": "D08",
            "history": [{
              "Name": "1st Level Support",
              "Budget": 1250,
              "From": "2012-06-01",
              "To": "2014-01-01"
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Senior",
          "From": "2014-01-01",
          "To": "9999-12-31",
          "Department": {
            "ID": "D15",
            "history": [{
              "Name": "Services",
              "Budget": 1170,
              "From": "2011-01-01",
              "To": "9999-12-31"
      "ID": "E401",
      "history": [
          "Name": "Norman",
          "Jobtitle": "Expert",
          "From": "2009-11-01",
          "To": "2012-03-01",
          "Department": {
            "ID": "D15",
            "history": []
          "Name": "Gibson",
          "Jobtitle": "Expert",
          "From": "2012-03-01",
          "To": "9999-12-31",
          "Department": {
            "ID": "D15",
            "history": [{
              "Name": "Services",
              "Budget": 1170,
              "From": "2011-01-01",
              "To": "9999-12-31"

4.2.4 Interaction with Standard System Query Options

For snapshot entity sets the point in time for representing data is determined following the rules in section 4.2.1 and evaluated first, then all other system query options are evaluated on the data valid at that point in time, including the query option $apply defined in OData-Aggregation.

For timeline entity sets the interval for filtering data is determined following the rules in section 4.2.1 and evaluated as an additional criterion for $filter in the evaluation sequence defined in OData-Protocol, section 11.2.1, which is evaluated after the query option $apply.

Example 16: retrieve employee history over a period of application time and filter on job title

GET /api-2/Employees?$expand=history(

results in one entity for each employee with time slices that overlap the specified application-time period and satisfy the filter condition (one less than in example 14):

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees",
  "value": [
      "ID": "E314",
      "history": [
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Senior",
          "From": "2013-10-01",
          "To": "2014-01-01"
          "Name": "McDevitt",
          "Jobtitle": "Senior",
          "From": "2014-01-01",
          "To": "9999-12-31"
      "ID": "E401",
      "history": [
          "Name": "Gibson",
          "Jobtitle": "Expert",
          "From": "2012-03-01",
          "To": "9999-12-31"

The lambda operators any() and all() are not influenced by temporal query options, they are interpreted for each time slice on the filtered collection, meaning “any related time slice satisfying the lambda expression” and “all related time slices satisfy the lambda expression”. The lambda expressions however can contain sub-expressions working on the period boundaries.

Example 17: filter employees on their name at any point in time

GET /api-2/Employees?$expand=history($select=Name,Jobtitle)

results in one employee whose name matches in the past, and the matching time slice is not in the requested time period

  "@context": "$metadata#Employees",
  "value": [
      "ID": "E401",
      "history": [
          "Name": "Gibson",
          "Jobtitle": "Expert",
          "From": "2012-03-01",
          "To": "9999-12-31"

4.2.5 Requesting Changes to Temporal Data

Change tracking for timeline entity sets works identical to non-temporal entity sets. If the entity set supports change-tracking combined with filtering on application-time period boundaries, the corresponding declared properties SHOULD be listed as FilterableProperties, see OData-VocCap. Clients can then use these properties in $filter or use the convenience shortcuts $at or $from and $to/$toInclusive.

Change tracking for snapshot entity sets only reports changes to time slices that contain the point in time specified via $at, or the point in time at which the defining query was received if no $at is specified. Mere passage of time does not lead to reported changes.

4.3 Modifying Temporal Data

This section and its subsections describe modifications in application time, both for

Modification operations fall into two categories:

4.3.1 Direct Modification of Time Slices

The temporal query options $at, $from and $to/$toInclusive can be used with data modification operations, in which case they do not alter the modification semantics of the request, they only affect the response of the “implicit GET” after the data modification.

Modification of time slices SHOULD be done with the temporal actions defined in the next section and its subsections.

This specification does not define the behavior of standard insert, update, upsert, or delete requests on temporal entity sets, and potential side-effects of direct modification requests to period boundaries and adjacent time slices are beyond the scope of this specification as the underlying business logic will vary from service to service.

4.3.2 Operations on Temporal Objects

Changes to a temporal object over a period of application time can affect multiple time slices. For timeline entity sets this can in principle be achieved by constructing batch requests with multiple operations on individual time slices. This puts burden on the client, and it also makes it harder for services to check whether the request represents a consistent change of the temporal data.

Both can be avoided by providing convenience operations expressing the intent of the modification and leaving the actual time slice manipulation to the service. These operations can then also be used with snapshot entity sets that do not allow direct manipulation of time slices.

These convenience operations are modeled as bound actions and defined in the vocabulary for temporal data OData-VocTemporal. Implementations SHOULD consider the preferences return=representation and return=minimal as specified invOData-Protocol. The convenience operations are atomic (all or nothing): they either succeed and produce the result described below, or they fail and do not change the temporal objects.

All actions define a collection of entities as their binding parameter. This collection can be

  • A snapshot entity set
  • A timeline entity set containing time slices for a single temporal object, or
  • A timeline entity set containing time slices for multiple temporal objects.

Services MAY support any or all of these convenience actions. Services SHOULD advertise the supported actions with property SupportedActions of term ApplicationTimeSupport.

Services may define specialized convenience operations for use cases not covered by this specification.

All actions return a collection of triples that consist of period start and end and a time slice, which has the same entity set as the binding parameter and advertises this through odata.context control information. Update during a Period

The Update action updates existing time slices with values from delta time slices whose temporal object keys match and whose periods overlap.

Its non-binding parameter deltaTimeslices is a collection of a structure containing the period boundaries, the properties to update, and optionally temporal object key values. The period boundaries are interpreted according to the UnitOfTime of the collection. In particular, ClosedClosedPeriods governs whether the period end of type Edm.Date is the last day in the period or the first day after the period. The upper period boundary for items in deltaTimeslices need not be supplied; if it has no declared default value, it defaults to max.

This works identical to the SQL statement UPDATE FOR PORTION OF:

  1. The “delta time slices” in deltaTimeslices are processed in the order of the collection.
  2. For each delta time slice all time slices from the bound collection are selected whose temporal object key values are identical to the values of corresponding properties present in the delta time slice, and whose application-time period overlaps with the period of the delta time slice.
  3. Selected time slices whose period is not fully included in the period of the delta time slice are split into two or three consecutive time slices, one with fully included period, and one or two with a non-overlapping period immediately before or after the delta time slice’s period.
  4. Then all fully included time slices (including ones created in the previous step) are updated following the rules for updating entities specified in OData-Protocol.
  5. Gaps between selected time slices in the period to update are not affected.

On success it returns the created or updated time slices.

Example 18: Change a department’s budget during a period of application time with api-2 (visible timeline)

POST /api-2/Departments('D08')/history/Temporal.Update
Content-Type: application/json

  "deltaTimeslices": [
      "Timeslice": {
        "From": "2012-04-01",
        "To": "2014-07-01",
        "Budget": 1320

Given the example departments data the operation will split the time slice starting at 2012-01-01 creating a new time slice starting at 2012-04-01 which is then updated with the desired budget. It will then update the time slice starting at 2012-06-01 with the desired budget, and finally it will split the time slice starting at 2014-01-01 creating a new time slice starting at 2014-07-01, then update the original with the desired budget, leaving the new time slice starting at 2014-07-01 untouched:

Departments (after)

ID From To Name Budget
D08 2010-01-01 2012-01-01 Support 1000
D08 2012-01-01 2012-04-01 Support 1250
D08 2012-04-01 2012-06-01 Support 1320
D08 2012-06-01 2014-01-01 1st Level Support 1320
D08 2014-01-01 2014-07-01 1st Level Support 1320
D08 2014-07-01 max 1st Level Support 1400
D15 2010-01-01 2011-01-01 Services 1100
D15 2011-01-01 max Services 1170

It returns the resulting created or updated time slices

  "@context": "../../$metadata#Collection(Temporal.TimesliceWithPeriod)",
  "value": [
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#Departments('D08')/history/$entity",
        "From": "2012-01-01",
        "To": "2012-04-01",
        "Name": "Support",
        "Budget": 1250
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#Departments('D08')/history/$entity",
        "From": "2012-04-01",
        "To": "2012-06-01",
        "Name": "Support",
        "Budget": 1320
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#Departments('D08')/history/$entity",
        "From": "2012-06-01",
        "To": "2014-01-01",
        "Name": "1st Level Support",
        "Budget": 1320
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#Departments('D08')/history/$entity",
        "From": "2014-01-01",
        "To": "2014-07-01",
        "Name": "1st Level Support",
        "Budget": 1320
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#Departments('D08')/history/$entity",
        "From": "2014-07-01",
        "To": "9999-12-31",
        "Name": "1st Level Support",
        "Budget": 1400

The service could have joined the third and fourth time slice because they do not significantly differ.

Example 19: Change an employee’s job title during a period of application time with api-1 (snapshot). Note that the period boundaries are not visible in api-1 and are provided as PeriodStart and PeriodEnd next to the Timeslice data. The PeriodEnd is omitted, meaning the end of application time.

POST /api-1/Employees/Temporal.Update
Content-Type: application/json

  "deltaTimeslices": [
      "PeriodStart": "2021-10-01",
      "Timeslice": {
        "ID": "E401",
        "Jobtitle": "Ultimate Expert"

Given the example employee data the operation will split the time slice for employee E401 starting at 2012-03-01 creating a new time slice starting at 2021-10-01 which is then updated with the desired job title.

It returns the resulting created or updated time slices

  "@context": "../$metadata#Collection(Temporal.TimesliceWithPeriod)",
  "value": [
      "PeriodStart": "2012-03-01",
      "PeriodEnd": "2021-10-01",
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#Employees/$entity",
        "ID": "E401",
        "Name": "Gibson",
        "Jobtitle": "Expert"
      "PeriodStart": "2021-10-01",
      "PeriodEnd": "9999-12-31",
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#Employees/$entity",
        "ID": "E401",
        "Name": "Gibson",
        "Jobtitle": "Ultimate Expert"
} Upsert during a Period

The Upsert action upserts existing time slices with values from delta time slices whose temporal object keys match and whose periods overlap, and in addition creates new time slices to close gaps in the matching time period.

It has the same signature as Update, and steps 1 to 4 work identical to Update. Step 5 is

  1. Gaps between selected time slices in the period to update are closed by creating new adjacent time slices: for each gap that has an immediately preceding time slice, a new time slice is created by

    1. copying the property values of the preceding time slice (except for computed properties),
    2. setting the period boundaries to close the gap, and then
    3. updating the new time slice following the rules for updating entities specified in OData-Protocol.

    If no preceding time slice exists, the time slice is created following the rules for creating entities specified in OData-Protocol.

On success it returns the created or updated time slices.

Example 20: Upsert two cost centers during a period of application time using the model from example 8

POST /api-3/CostCenters/Temporal.Upsert
Content-Type: application/json

  "deltaTimeslices": [
      "Timeslice": {
        "AreaID": "51",
        "CostCenterID": "C1",
        "ValidTo": "2001-03-31",
        "ValidFrom": "1984-04-01",
        "ProfitCenterID": "P2"
      "Timeslice": {
        "AreaID": "51",
        "CostCenterID": "C2",
        "ValidFrom": "2012-04-01",
        "DepartmentID": "D04"

Given this example data (primary key in olive)

CostCenters (before)

tsid AreaID CostCenterID ValidTo ValidFrom ProfitCenterID DepartmentID
n 51 C1 max 1955-04-01 P1 D02

the operation will split the time slice n for cost center C1 starting at 1955-04-01 creating two new time slices, the one starting at 1984-04-01 is then updated with the desired profit center. It will also insert a new time slice for the not yet existing cost center C2 with the desired values.

Note that this example uses closed-closed periods, so each time slice ends the day before the start of the next adjacent time slice.

CostCenters (after)

tsid AreaID CostCenterID ValidTo ValidFrom ProfitCenterID DepartmentID
n 51 C1 1984-03-31 1955-04-01 P1 D02
o 51 C1 2001-03-31 1984-04-01 P2 D02
p 51 C1 max 2001-04-01 P1 D02
q 51 C2 max 2012-04-01 D04

It returns the resulting created or updated time slices per affected temporal object

  "@context": "../$metadata#Collection(Temporal.TimesliceWithPeriod)",
  "value": [
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#CostCenters/$entity",
        "tsid": "n",
        "AreaID": "51",
        "CostCenterID": "C1",
        "ValidTo": "1984-03-31",
        "ValidFrom": "1955-04-01",
        "ProfitCenterID": "P1",
        "DepartmentID": "D02"
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#CostCenters/$entity",
        "tsid": "o",
        "AreaID": "51",
        "CostCenterID": "C1",
        "ValidTo": "2001-03-31",
        "ValidFrom": "1984-04-01",
        "ProfitCenterID": "P2",
        "DepartmentID": "D02"
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#CostCenters/$entity",
        "tsid": "p",
        "AreaID": "51",
        "CostCenterID": "C1",
        "ValidTo": "9999-12-31",
        "ValidFrom": "2001-04-01",
        "ProfitCenterID": "P1",
        "DepartmentID": "D02"
      "Timeslice": {
        "@context": "#CostCenters/$entity",
        "tsid": "q",
        "AreaID": "51",
        "CostCenterID": "C2",
        "ValidTo": "9999-12-31",
        "ValidFrom": "2012-04-01",
        "ProfitCenterID": null,
        "DepartmentID": "D04"
} Delete during a Period

The Delete action deletes (sub-periods of) time slices.

Its non-binding parameter deltaTimeslices is a collection of a structure containing the period boundaries and optionally temporal object key values. The period boundaries are interpreted according to the UnitOfTime of the collection. In particular, ClosedClosedPeriods governs whether the period end of type Edm.Date is the last day in the period or the first day after the period.

This works identical to the SQL statement DELETE FOR PORTION OF:

  1. The “delta time slices” in deltaTimeslices are processed in the order of the collection.
  2. For each delta time slice all time slices from the bound collection are selected whose temporal object key values are identical to the values of corresponding properties present in the delta time slice, and whose application-time period overlaps with the period of the delta time slice.
  3. Selected time slices whose period is not fully included in the period of the delta time slice are split into two consecutive time slices, one with non-overlapping, and one with fully included period.
  4. Then all fully included time slices (including ones created in the previous step) are deleted following the rules for deleting entities specified in OData-Protocol.

On success it returns the deleted time slices.

4.3.3 ETags

Timeline entity sets need no special consideration as each time slice is an OData entity.

This specification does not define the behavior of standard insert, update, upsert, or delete requests for snapshot entity sets and consequently defines no rules for ETags of entities in snapshot entity sets. Services supporting these requests are advised to associate ETags with time slices rather than with temporal objects.

4.3.4 Read, Edit, Navigation, and Association URLs

Timeline entity sets need no special consideration as each time slice is an OData entity.

For snapshot entity sets read, edit, navigation, and association URLs are not specific to time slices, they are specific to the time-independent OData entity.

5 Conformance

Conforming services MUST follow all rules of this specification for the temporal system query options they support.

Conforming clients MUST be prepared to consume a model that uses any or all constructs defined in this specification.

Appendix A. References

This appendix contains the normative and informative references that are used in this document.

While any hyperlinks included in this appendix were valid at the time of publication, OASIS cannot guarantee their long-term validity.

A.1 Normative References

The following documents are referenced in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document.


ABNF components: OData ABNF Construction Rules Version 4.02 and OData ABNF Test Cases.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Extension for Data Aggregation Version 4.0.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) JSON Representation Version 4.02.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.

OData Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL) XML Representation Version 4.02.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Version 4.02. Part 1: Protocol.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Version 4.02. Part 2: URL Conventions.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Vocabularies Version 4.0: Capabilities Vocabulary.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Vocabularies Version 4.0: Core Vocabulary.
See link in “Related work” section on cover page.


OData Temporal Vocabulary.
See link in “Additional artifacts” section on cover page.


Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels”, BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997


Leiba, B., “Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words”, BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017

A.2 Informative References


Martin Fowler, “Temporal Patterns”, 16 February 2005


Krishna Kulkarni, “Temporal Features in SQL standard”, September 2012


Richard T. Snodgrass, “Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, July, 1999, ISBN 1-55860-436-7
http://www2.cs.arizona.edu/people/rts/tdbbook.pdf and http://www2.cs.arizona.edu/people/rts/pp30-31.pdf.


ISO/IEC 9075-2:2011 Information technology - Database languages - SQL - Part 2: Foundation (SQL/Foundation).

Appendix B. Acknowledgments

B.1 Special Thanks

The contributions of the OASIS OData Technical Committee members, enumerated in OData-Protocol are gratefully acknowledged.

Special thanks to Andrew Eisenberg, whose contributions in the early stages of the OData TC were invaluable to getting this extension specification on track.

B.2 Participants

OData TC Members:

First Name Last Name Company
George Ericson Dell
Hubert Heijkers IBM
Ling Jin IBM
Stefan Hagen Individual
Michael Pizzo Microsoft
Christof Sprenger Microsoft
Ralf Handl SAP SE
Gerald Krause SAP SE
Heiko Theißen SAP SE
Mark Biamonte Progress Software
Martin Zurmuehl SAP SE

Appendix C. Revision History

Revision Date Editor Changes Made
Working Draft 01 2013-09-05 Ralf Handl Initial working draft
Committee Specification Draft 01 2021-07-22 Ralf Handl
Hubert Heijkers
Gerald Krause
Michael Pizzo
Heiko Theißen
Martin Zurmuehl
Timeline entity sets for manipulating time slices
Snapshot entity sets for hiding application-time dependency
Modification during a period via actions
Closed-closed application time
Committee Specification Draft 02 2021-10-15 Ralf Handl Example model with object key
Example for Update action on snapshot entity set
Example for Upsert action with object key
Semantics of omitting upper period boundaries in action parameters
Committee Specification Draft 03 2021-12-02 Ralf Handl Removed the “stop on change” actions
Minor clarifications
Committee Specification 01 2022-01-07 Ralf Handl Non-material changes

Appendix D. Notices

Copyright © OASIS Open 2022. All Rights Reserved.

All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the “OASIS IPR Policy”). The full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.

This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it into languages other than English.

The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by OASIS or its successors or assigns.


As stated in the OASIS IPR Policy, the following three paragraphs in brackets apply to OASIS Standards Final Deliverable documents (Committee Specification, Candidate OASIS Standard, OASIS Standard, or Approved Errata).

[OASIS requests that any OASIS Party or any other party that believes it has patent claims that would necessarily be infringed by implementations of this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable, to notify OASIS TC Administrator and provide an indication of its willingness to grant patent licenses to such patent claims in a manner consistent with the IPR Mode of the OASIS Technical Committee that produced this deliverable.]

[OASIS invites any party to contact the OASIS TC Administrator if it is aware of a claim of ownership of any patent claims that would necessarily be infringed by implementations of this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable by a patent holder that is not willing to provide a license to such patent claims in a manner consistent with the IPR Mode of the OASIS Technical Committee that produced this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable. OASIS may include such claims on its website, but disclaims any obligation to do so.]

[OASIS takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on OASIS’ procedures with respect to rights in any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS Technical Committee can be found on the OASIS website. Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this OASIS Standards Final Deliverable, can be obtained from the OASIS TC Administrator. OASIS makes no representation that any information or list of intellectual property rights will at any time be complete, or that any claims in such list are, in fact, Essential Claims.]

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