

Description CSDL XML OpenAPI 3.0.x
The Products and Categories Example from the OData CSDL XML specification csdl-16.1.xml csdl-16.1.openapi3.json
The TripPin reference service from www.odata.org TripPin.xml TripPin.openapi3.json
The Northwind OData V4 reference service Northwind.xml Northwind.openapi3.json
A hypothetical Northwind OData V4 service using key-as-segment convention Northwind-key-as-segment.xml Northwind-key-as-segment.openapi3.json
The Northwind OData V3 reference service Northwind-V3.xml Northwind-V3.openapi3.json
A collection of examples from the OData CSDL XML specification miscellaneous.xml miscellaneous.openapi3.json
People service referencing a Products service People.xml People.openapi3.json
Products service referencing a People service Products.xml Products.openapi3.json