
Supported Annotations

The OData to OpenAPI Mapping can be fine-tuned via annotations in the CSDL ($metadata) XML documents.

See Frequently Asked Questions for examples on how to use these annotations.


Term Annotation Target OpenAPI field
Computed Property omit from Create and Update structures
ComputedDefaultValue Property omit from required properties if key
DefaultNamespace Schema path templates for actions and functions without namespace prefix
Description Action, ActionImport, Function, FunctionImport summary of Operation Object
Description EntitySet, Singleton description of Tag Object
Description EntityType description of Request Body Object
Description ComplexType, EntityType, EnumerationType, Parameter, Property, TypeDefinition title of Schema Object
Description Schema, EntityContainer info.title
Example Property example of Schema Object
Immutable Property omit from Update structure
LongDescription Action, ActionImport, Function, FunctionImport description of Operation Object
LongDescription ComplexType, EntityType, EnumerationType, Parameter, Property, TypeDefinition description of Schema Object
LongDescription Schema, EntityContainer info.description
Permissions:Read Property omit read-only properties from Create and Update structures
SchemaVersion Schema info.version


Term Annotation Target OpenAPI field
EntitySet $count system query option for GET operation
EntityContainer PATCH operations support deep update
EntitySet, Singleton DELETE operation for deleting an existing entity
/Description EntitySet, Singleton summary of Operation Object
/LongDescription EntitySet, Singleton description of Operation Object
/CustomHeaders EntitySet, Singleton custom headers
/CustomQueryOptions EntitySet, Singleton custom query options
/ErrorResponses EntitySet, Singleton error response status codes with descriptions
/FilterSegmentSupported EntitySet DELETE operation with /$filter segment on collection for deleting existing entities
EntitySet, Singleton $expand system query option for GET operations
EntitySet $filter system query option for GET operation
/RequiredProperties EntitySet required properties in $filter system query option for GET operation (parameter description only)
/RequiresFilter EntitySet $filter system query option for GET operation is required
IndexableByKey EntitySet GET, PATCH, and DELETE operations for a single entity within an entity set
EntitySet POST operation for inserting a new entity
/Description EntitySet summary of Operation Object
/LongDescription EntitySet description of Operation Object
/CustomHeaders EntitySet custom headers
/CustomQueryOptions EntitySet custom query options
/ErrorResponses EntitySet error response status codes with descriptions
KeyAsSegmentSupported EntityContainer paths URL templates use key-as-segment style instead of parenthesis style
EntitySet, Singleton operations via a navigation path
  /DeleteRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton DELETE operation for deleting a contained entity via a navigation path
  /FilterRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton $filter system query option for reading related entities via a navigation path
  /InsertRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton POST operation for inserting a new related entity via a navigation path
  /ReadByKeyRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton GET operation for reading a contained entity by key via a navigation path
  /ReadRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton GET operation for reading related entities via a navigation path
  /SearchRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton $search system query option for reading related entities via a navigation path
  /SelectSupport/... EntitySet, Singleton $select system query option for reading related entities via a navigation path
  /SkipSupported EntitySet, Singleton $skip system query option for reading contained entities via a navigation path
  /SortRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton $orderby system query option for reading related entities via a navigation path
  /TopSupported EntitySet, Singleton $top system query option for reading contained entities via a navigation path
  /UpdateRestrictions/... EntitySet, Singleton PATCH operation for modifying a contained entity via a navigation path
EntitySet GET operation for reading a single entity by key
/Description EntitySet summary of Operation Object
/LongDescription EntitySet description of Operation Object
/CustomHeaders EntitySet custom headers
/CustomQueryOptions EntitySet custom query options
/ErrorResponses EntitySet, Singleton error response status codes with descriptions
EntitySet, Singleton GET operation for reading an entity set or singleton
/Description EntitySet, Singleton summary of Operation Object
/LongDescription EntitySet, Singleton description of Operation Object
/CustomHeaders EntitySet, Singleton custom headers
/CustomQueryOptions EntitySet, Singleton custom query options
/ErrorResponses EntitySet, Singleton error response status codes with descriptions
EntitySet $search system query option for GET operation
EntitySet, Singleton $select system query option for GET operation
SkipSupported EntitySet $skip system query option for GET operation
EntitySet properties not listed in $orderby system query option for GET operation
/Sortable EntitySet $orderby system query option for GET operation
TopSupported EntitySet $top system query option for GET operation
EntitySet, Singleton PATCH operation for modifying an existing entity
/UpdateMethod EntitySet, Singleton define update method (default is PATCH)
/Description EntitySet, Singleton summary of Operation Object
/LongDescription EntitySet, Singleton description of Operation Object
/CustomHeaders EntitySet, Singleton custom headers
/CustomQueryOptions EntitySet, Singleton custom query options
/ErrorResponses EntitySet, Singleton error response status codes with descriptions
/FilterSegmentSupported EntitySet PATCH operation with /$filter segment on collection for modifying existing entities
Action, Function custom headers
/CustomQueryOptions Action, Function custom query options
/ErrorResponses Action, Function error response status codes with descriptions


Term Annotation Target OpenAPI field
AllowedValues Property enum of Schema Object - list of allowed (string) values
Exclusive Property exclusiveMinimum/exclusiveMaximum of Schema Object
Maximum Property maximum of Schema Object
Minimum Property minimum of Schema Object
Pattern Property pattern of Schema Object


Term Annotation Target OpenAPI field
Authorizations EntityContainer securitySchemes of Components Object / securityDefinitions of Swagger Object
SecuritySchemes EntityContainer security of OpenAPI / Swagger Object


Term Annotation Target OpenAPI field
Schema Property, CustomParameter schema of property, custom header, or custom query option